Title: | Rising Central Spending on Public Security and the Dilemma Facing Grassroots Officials in China. |
Author(s): | Yue Xie |
Keywords: | weiwen; expenditure for public security; performing official duties; coercive capacity; China |
Abstract: | In response to worsening social instability in China, among grassroots communities in the poorer central and western provinces in particular, the Chinese central government has made budgetary arrange- ments, since 2003, to increase investment at the grassroots level to im-prove the capacity of local governments to maintain social order. How-ever, this action by central government has created a dilemma for local cadres: how to perform their duty to maintain social stability while also balancing a heavy fiscal burden caused in part by the receipt of insuffi-cient additional budgetary subsidies from higher government. This paper is an account of and an analysis of how local cadres in China perform their official duties when faced with this dilemma |
Issue Date: | 2013 |
URI: | https://digital.lib.ueh.edu.vn/handle/UEH/69584 |
ISSN: | 1868-4874 (online) 1868-1026 (print) |
Appears in Collections: | Lực lượng bảo vệ an ninh trật tự cơ sở